Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 2012

So here's a little update of what's been going on in December.   We've been enjoying the regular Christmas season activities and end of year celebrations.  We attended a Messiah concert put on by the Lynden Choral Society - a very beautiful evening of song and praise.  It made me want to join up for next season - hopefully I will find the time to do so.

Since the last blog post - we hosted a few of our church family for Thanksgiving dinner and games afterwards - had lots of fun.  We had a wonderful gift exchange evening with Lorelle and Jake over Skype - with a great game of CatchPhrase over the miles...  Lots of fun - almost felt like we spent Christmas together.  We had dear friends over for a fondue dinner - and ended a delicious evening with a rousing game of CatchPhrase.  We had cousins and their extended family over for Christmas dinner and ended that day with CatchPhrase as well - do you sense a pattern??

Yesterday we went up Mt. Baker with the family and had an amazing day of skiing - it was 27 degrees, no wind, powder snow and the sun was shining for most of the day.  What an amazing day!   Today we started out with a delicious brunch at 10:30 am (which some family members found difficult to get up for...) including waffles from our new waffle maker (thanks Jake!!!), Oma pancakes, eggs and bacon, strawberries and whipped cream - it was well worth getting up for!!!!  After that we played walleyball at the Y with some of Jan's family and after a yummy pizza dinner we went ice skating with everyone.  Even Vinny skated - it was soooooo cute.  I think we have another hockey player in the family.  All in all we had a very nice time - so grateful for God's blessings and care in our lives!


Anonymous said...

Will wait for pics to see all the fun!

Anonymous said...

Corrie, I had fun looking at your photos and reading your blogs. Wow, you're doing a lot of running, eh? I used to do long distance running and really enjoyed it. But for a long time I didn't do any exercising, sports, etc. Lately I have been going to a gym, though, so getting back into it (if running on a tread mill counts!) (-: