Sunday, September 21, 2008

And one more...

Yup, I had time to read even another book. Maybe I should say I had less time to sleep... This book takes place in Arizona and Utah and was even more disturbing since it takes place right in our own "back yard". This story is of a mother who escapes with her eight children from a Fundamental Latter Day Saints community. She is married into a polygamist relationship - her husband being very powerful in the FLDS church & community. She shares this horrible man with (at the end) 6 other wives. The treatment of the women and children is shocking and it is incomprehensible that this entire community cannot be charged by the police because they have their own police with their own set of rules. Again, God's word is so twisted and added to in order to brainwash the women and children to follow the ever changing rules from the prophets. I do not think this book is well-written in a literary sense but the truth it expels opens your eyes to the horrible reality of a polygamist community.

A few good books...

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Not a lot to report since last time - the weather's been nice up until just recently. It definitely feels like fall when it rains all day. I'm hoping it's not the beginning of winter :( which means a LOT more rain.

The last month or so I've found time to finish several books that I think are worthy of sharing with you. The first one I read is titled "The Kite Runner" and the second is from the same author "A Thousand Splendid Suns". It sure opened my eyes to the plight of those living in Afghanistan. There were times that I just couldn't absorb the sadness and hopelessness and I wanted to just put the book away. But I guess closing my eyes is not a wise choice and when I was done I was even more thankful that we live in a country that is free and respects all human beings as equal. It is unimaginable that God's word has been so twisted and added to that these people can justify the treatment of women (and human beings in general) in such a horrible way. I gained much in understanding the history and racial & ethnic fighting in this country but honestly can say it's hard to really grasp it all.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A few more grey hairs...

I don't have any photos to show you but I think I've got a few more grey hairs. Today I took our second oldest "J" to the Driver's Licensing office so she could get an instructional permit. She's just begun her Driver's Ed training classes and as a result I'm definitely feeling older. It wasn't quite as nerve racking sitting beside her as she drove home like with our eldest. She's had some illegal training from her father - living in the country does have some benefits.