Saturday, November 06, 2010

My first 5K Run

Today I ran my first ever 5K Run - one that was put on to benefit the local Girl Scouts. I have been inspired by Jocelyn who has chosen as her Senior Project to prepare for a Marathon as well as to organize a local race to benefit the Mexico Mission Team she hopes to be part of in August 2011. I've only practiced for about 6 weeks & up until today have survived a one mile run. Well, my body is telling me I've pushed it to it's limit. My time was 34 min. 1 sec. - I know for you avid runners out there that's nothing to brag about but my goal was to finish and not be last. I definitely accomplished that as there were many people who finished behind me. I'll keep this post short as I'm really lacking in energy - I'm going to join Hannah in the hot tub to soothe my aching bones...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm very impressed, Corrie! Way to go! That was always my "dream" to run, but I never give myself the extra push to run that far! It always helps to have someone to push you. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Excellent,Corrie! I am sure I couldn't do it, nor would it be wise at this point. I would have to start all over with my program in gaining. It's not worth it!

Anonymous said...

You go Mom!! Very nice! I'll have to go running with you when I get home!