Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Meet Our New Groundskeeper!

This past weekend - particularly Saturday - was absolutely beautiful! The temperature probably hit close to 70 degrees and so our entire family spent time outside. Some of us put on our bathing suits (no, that was not me) and worked on the tan, while others spent time making the lawn & gardens beautiful. Last year Jocelyn did most of the lawnmowing and trimming around the house but we are hoping with her that she will have some sort of summer employment. We are working hard at making that happen.

When Alec expressed interest in helping, I spent some time with him on the lawnmower. This picture shows him hard at work - it just makes my heart swell... what a cutie!! And just in case you are dashing off to phone the authorities...I was close at hand to help him if things went wrong. With a very protective mother as a trainer, he is well aware of the safety issues & the rules that go along with operating a John Deere. Let's hope the eagerness to help continues throughout the summer.


Anonymous said...

"Way to go, Alec, keep up the hard work," as it will make Dad and Mom very proud of you. Very nice photos.

Love from Gerry (aunt)

Joel f said...

Wonderful! Landscaping is a great business to get into. As one tractor driver to another, my advice to him is: if your guess is that you shouldn't go over something, odds are you're right. :) Oh yeah, and be nice to grass-snakes, 'cause it's their yard too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alec, Opa would be proud of you driving that John Deere! I remember Josh starting as little as you and now he has a job with a landscaper! Have fun this summer keeping the lawns nice. It's Kaleb's (Klabub's?) job here now. And tanners.....oh my!
Enjoy the nice weather...and Amanda's visit.
Love, Aunt Lorraine.