Lest you think nothing is happening in our household and that we're sulking around without any excitement....I better at least post something short. This past week has been extremely busy. I've been given many more hours as Visit Supervisor/Transporter for an agency that contracts with DSHS. Basically I transport foster kids to their court ordered visits with their bio family members and then supervise and make reports on these visits to DSHS. You're right if you think this could be a little depressing - but some visits show some hope in that parents are either acting in a way that will ensure they have their children returned or in a way that will ensure that they don't. Either way it's up to them to change their lives around to make things happen. So I get to see the other side of things - in the past I've been shielded from this as we took kids into our home and someone else came to my door to do this job. This past week we had two foster kids stay with us. Too bad it's against the law to post pictures because these were the most adorable and well behaved little ones we've had. It was just a week of respite & they went home on Sunday back to their foster family.
We spent Sunday dinner with two wonderful families in Langley celebrated our Canadian roots. It was a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with the two E families - much to be thankful for. I took my camera with but it did not leave my purse - so sorry, but no photos this post.