This week was busy - our Tuesday morning bible study met for the last time this year and we ended it with a brunch. It has been a good year - I led this year with Mrs. J. and we studied the book of Amos. We used "You Only" by Rev. P. Feenstra and found it to be a good study guide. I am done my term so it was my last meeting. I promised myself that just because I will now have more free time I should not go & commit to something else.
It was also our last day at the school library - at least it was the last day we will be open to students. If you are a librarian you will know that it doesn't mean the last day of work. We will need to collect all outstanding books, do inventory, print reports and run after fines and lost books. It was a good year - but it becomes more of a challenge to stay motivated after 5 years. You get a bit of repetition after a while & you need to find fresh & exciting ideas for talks to the students. I hope to enroll in a Children's Literature class of WWU this coming fall - that is IF I can get over the fear of being the oldest student in the class...
Yesterday was also AK's 9th birthday. It's hard to believe he's already that old. He had 7 friends over from gr. 3/4. I had arranged to be at the Bellingham YMCA to climb the rock wall there. So the theme of rock climbing came out in his cake (at least I tried). They are also studying rocks in class so it was really neat. There was one 30 foot wall & another 65 foot (if I remember correctly) and 3 "belayers". They mostly stayed on the 30 ft. wall - which was challenging enough. About half of them made it to the top - they each tried at least 10 times. By the end, their arms felt like rubber. It was a great way to expend some "boy" energy. I was very disappointed when I realized I had forgotten my camera - sorry, no photos.
Today it is Sports Day at our school and we are at B. Fields. I had the gr. 3/4 girls for the day - a very sweet group of girls. They had a lot of fun trying to beat their PB's and making points for their team. I "snuck" home for a bit to change and do some laundry & then got sidetracked onto the computer. I should run back & see how their baseball game is going - till next time!