Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Celebrating 80 years!!

This past Nov. 5th was my Dad's 80th birthday so I flew out to Ontario to join the celebration.   I arrived on a Friday and the following day we helped set up the JCS gym for a catered dinner.  We had a beautiful time together - although we were missing my sister's family from Indonesia and mine back in Lynden.  We had a photo booth set up where people had to set up a pose for each month based on when their birthday was.  The plan is to design a calendar with these photos (and scanned in missing people) on each months page.

The following Sunday we served cake (& coffee) to the congregation after the first service.  My parents have been in the same congregation all of their married life & it's a large church.  It was lots of fun talking to people I had not seen in years.  The following day my parents had family and friends over for morning coffee & I got to catch up with many relatives.  So glad I decided to fly out and so thankful that God has blessed Dad with so many years!   More great memories!